
Policing in the UK is organised separately in each of the legal systems of England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. The NPCC (National Police Chief's Council) brings police forces together to help them coordinate operations, reform, improve and provide value for money. 

There is a Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Norfolk and also one for Suffolk. PCCs are elected by the public to set the countywide strategy for reducing crime and disorder and improving community safety. The PCC is the voice of the people in policing, holding their respective Chief Constables to account for delivering an efficient and effective police service. The PCC champions the needs of victims of crime and the vulnerable, providing local services to ensure that help and support are available to them. In meeting these responsibilities, the PCC is supported by an Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. This is independent of the PCC and is led by the Chief Executive. 

Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies have been operating a preferred partnership arrangement for over 10 years, and collaborate on all back-office functions, and a significant amount of operational services with the exception of local policing commands. By working together, the two forces have saved over £41m combined since 2010 and is one of the most advanced collaborations across UK policing. Both forces combined have a budget of over £300m with a third of that funding collaborated units.

Both forces are also part of the Eastern Region Seven Force Strategic Collaboration Programme. The police forces that form the collaboration are Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex and Kent. The programme covers a geographic area of more than 9,000 square miles, serving nearly 8 million residents. 

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